
About this Website

Physics textbooks contain a wealth of information, and are convenient for teachers because they contain the body of current physics knowledge, plus thought experiments, sample problems, and homework to enhance the learning experience.  The problem with textbooks is that they are so long and take so much time to read that students often get lost in the details, and never grasp the big picture they are attempting to master.   The purpose of this website is to present the entirety of the high-school physics curriculum as concisely as possible so that students can gain a 30,000 foot view of the subject.  By seeing the big picture, and reducing the content down to its basic components, students can gain a healthy perspective of the content they are studying.  It is my hope that this will make physics less intimidating and more easily understood.

About the Author
Alex Pacanowsky is a professional engineer with over five years of experience designing products and process in a variety of industries.  He received his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from Villanova University, his master degree in biomedical engineering from Arizona State University, and he expects to receive his MBA from the University of Utah in June of 2011.